Calamity is the app that allows you to report extreme weather events, natural events, astronomical phenomena and man-made event, and to receive alerts in real time based on the reports sent by other users in your area or in the rest of the world.
Alerts are only received if the event is reported by a sufficient number of users in the affected area.
The events that the app manages are as follows:
Weather phenomena
- Extreme heat
- Extreme cold
- Strong thunderstorm
- Heavy rain
- Hailstorm
- Strong wind
- Strong snowfall
- Tornado
- Hurricane impact
- Waterspout
- Sea storm
- Sand storm
- Rainbow
- Lunar halo
Natural phenomena
- Earthquake
- Wildfire
- Flooding
- River flooding
- Lake flooding
- Torrent flooding
- Landslide
- Avalanche
- Insect infestation
- Tsunami
- Vulcanic eruption
- Ash emission
- Lava emission
- Lahar
Astronomical events
- Meteor
- Meteor shower
- Northern lights
Artificial events
- Sonic Bang
- Explosion
- Fire
- 极热
- 极度寒冷
- 强雷暴
- 倾盆大雨
- 雹暴
- 强风
- 强降雪
- 龙卷风
- 飓风影响
- 水龙卷
- 海风暴
- 沙尘暴
- 彩虹
- 月球晕
- 地震
- 野火
- 洪水
- 河水泛滥
- 湖水泛滥
- 洪流泛滥
- 山体滑坡
- 雪崩
- 昆虫侵扰
- 海啸
- 火山爆发
- 灰分排放
- 熔岩排放
- 拉哈尔
- 流星
- 流星雨
- 北极光
- Sonic Bang
- 爆炸
- 火
- 不明飞行物